The African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church professes the historical faith in God, who by Himself- outpouring, was manifest incarnate in Jesus Christ for our salvation. By God’s grace and the power of His Holy Spirit all believers become the new humanity. The incarnation having reached its completion in Jesus, who is the Christ, is continuing in the Church and is overcoming the calamity of the human predicament.
We strive in the hope that the Church will grow from sinful existence through purification to oneness with God. Our Heritage in doctrine and our present theological task demands that we renew our faith and understanding of the love of God, our Father the Lordship of His Son, Jesus. We believe that all who have faith in Him will be empowered and invigorated by the Holy Spirit to risk all for the reconciling work and fulfillment of the Kingdom of God.
The Reverend Chalmers L. McDougald received the appointment of the Presiding Elder of the Laurinburg District at the 142nd Session of the Central North Carolina November 6, 2021. In May 1988, Reverend McDougald began his ministerial journey and in August 2001, he transitioned to full-time ministry. Rev. McDougald is an ordained elder in the African Methodist Episcopal Zion Church. He served as the Presiding Elder of the Sanford District, Central North Carolina Conference for three and half-year. He pastored the following churches: Snow Hill-Fayetteville District, Davis Chapel-Dunn-Lillington District, Cameron Grove Dunn-Lillington District, and New Bethel-Fayetteville District. Rev. McDougald is a volunteer Chaplin at Cape Fear Valley Hospital in Fayetteville, North Carolina.
Rev. McDougald is a graduate of Fayetteville State University with a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration and he earned a Masters of Divinity from Campbell University Divinity School in Buie Creek, North Carolina. Rev. McDougald is a veteran of the United States Army.
During his career journey, he was an insurance agent, a human resource manager for twenty-five years with Cumberland County and the state of North Carolina. He is a former employee of the Employment Security Commission, Offender Aid and Restoration and the Cumberland County Workforce Development Division. Rev. McDougald served two terms as a member of the Fayetteville City Council.
Rev. Chalmers McDougald was born in Portsmouth, Virginia and raised by his grandmother in rural Harnett County, North Carolina. Rev. McDougald states, “She taught me to believe in God and to seek him through prayer”.
Rev. McDougald and Mrs. Alice Bracy McDougald have been married for forty-nine years. Mrs. Alice McDougald is active in ministry with Elder McDougald. Mrs. McDougald is a dynamic missionary leader and served as missionary president for the Dunn-Lillington, Fayetteville and Sanford Districts. She is also a retired educator of the Cumberland County Schools. They are parents of two daughters; Yimiya Pearson (Bernard) and Adia McEachin (James) and they have six grandchildren. Elder McDougald states;
“I do what I do in ministry because I love God and humankind. My focus is to help others see the light of Jesus and become a light themselves to help others see Jesus”.